Skill 5: Safety Inspector

Welcome to the most important skill! Getting hurt in the kitchen isn’t fun, so before you get too carried away whipping up a super delicious meal, take a moment with an adult to run through my top tips for a tip top kitchen experience!

Kitchen Equipment

  • Keep handles of pots and pans facing inward on the stove top.
  • Use a dry tea towel or oven mitt to carry pans with hot handles.
  • Try to allow pots and pans to cool before moving unnecessarily around the kitchen with them.
  • Warn others when you are carrying something hot or dangerous such as a pot of boiling water, frying pan or sharp knife.

Your Body

  • Don’t wear loose-fitting clothing.
  • Don’t wear dangling jewellery
    or accessories.
  • Always wear closed-in shoes, and make sure your laces are tied.
  • Always have long hair tied back.


  • Clear the kitchen of all toys and potential trip hazards.
  • Clean up food waste and rubbish as you go. A scraps bowl on your
    kitchen bench can help.
  • Clean spills immediately. The floor should be dry at all times.
  • Clean dishes as you go.


  • Concentrate – just do one thing at a time.
  • Music is ok, but turn the TV off.
  • Don’t get distracted by other people or things taking place around you.

Food Safety matters too!

  • Wipe your kitchen bench with an antibacterial cleaner or warm soapy water before and after cooking.
  • Thoroughly wash your hands with hot soapy water before you start cooking.
  • Wash your hands regularly throughout the cooking process, especially after touching ‘high risk foods’ like raw meats, poultry and fish.
  • Always wear clean clothes and a clean apron. Wash your apron after every use.
  • Regularly replace kitchen cloths, tea towels and sponges.
  • Never touch your face, mouth, eyes or sneeze into your hand while cooking. If you do, stop cooking and wash your hands immediately.

Attention parents and carers … check out our Ground Rules for Grown-Ups for more safety tips.